De-risk your fill & finish process

Begin with the end in mind: adopt the right fill & finish strategy to support all stages of your product development and to timely deliver your therapies to the patients

What is so special about AT-Closed Vial Technology

  • Fact 1

    More than just a filling machine: it is a patented and fully validated filling process, based on a polymer vial with unique features

  • Fact 2

    The vial is closed before being filled: when produced, the AT-Closed Vial is molded and stoppered in ISO 5 environment, and when processed in the fill & finish suite, it is filled through the stopper

  • Fact 3

    Both less and more: it is naturally scalable and fits personalized and off-the-shelf therapies

  • Fact 4

    Zero-defect philosophy: de-risked process with minimized product loss

  • Fact 5

    The “future is now” mindset: holistic approach to making the cutting-edge treatments, as cell and gene therapy, available to the patients, from development to commercial phase. Widely used for the advanced therapies (ATMP) since 2009.

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Advanced Therapies 2025


AT-Closed Vial® and Container Closure Integrity during Cryogenic Storage
